Running on the world's fastest networks near you
Local Mobile Plans for Global Teams
Mobile plans in countries where you do business, with full transparency, a flat low rate on all services, no hidden fees, and 24/7 customer support.

Focus on your business, and we’ll handle your mobile plans.
Discover Telgea with our interactive demo
Try the Demo
Companies are complicated.
Mobile shouldn't be.
Giving your team local numbers shouldn’t feel like waiting at the gate for a delayed flight.
Ditch the hidden fees, escape-proof contracts, and deadweight numbers. Telgea streamlines global plans so you can focus on what truly moves the needle.
Local plans in minutes
Have a new crew joining from across the globe? No problem! In minutes, you can connect them with a local plan and number.
Pricing you can trust
Know what you signed up for— no surprises, hidden fees, or fine print. A plan you can rely on from day one to done.
Integrate and automate
Leave the dull work to us—seamlessly connect with your favourite software to automate your operations and avoid mistakes.
Support on standby
Want to contact us? Anytime, any language, any timezone. We keep you connected!
Becoming the
Global Mobile Carrier
We partner with your favourite local networks in countries worldwide to ensure you are always connected. As you scale up, we’re right there with you, keeping things simple.
Chris, IT manager
Handling mobile plans in 5 countries on one platform
Don’t clear your schedule.
Connect your team in minutes.
We're not your grandma's telecom trying to be digital while selling landlines. We’re natively digital and specialise in getting you online with local plans worldwide.
  • 01
    1 minute to complete
    Create Account
    Answer a few questions, and your account is up and running.
  • 02
    2 minutes to complete
    Add People
    Create new or import existing phone numbers
to activate a new plan.   
  • 03
    2 minutes to complete
    Deploy eSIM
    Forward eSIM information to your colleague and have them connected in no time.
1 minute to complete
Create Account
Answer a few questions, and your account is up and running.
2 minutes to complete
Add People
Create new or import existing phone numbers
to activate a new plan.   
2 minutes to complete
Deploy eSIM
Forward eSIM information to your colleague and have them connected in no time.
It really is that simple
Still not convinced? Watch for yourself.
Watch 3 minute demo
Support That Gets You.
No Waiting Required.
You don’t need to track down a local account manager or deal with language barriers. We’re always here, in your language, whenever and wherever you need us. And if you’d rather skip the call, you can handle it yourself with just a few clicks.
Security backed by the world's largest telcos
Backed by the world’s leading telcos and advanced encryption, you can trust that your lines are secure. Our services fully comply with global regulations like the PSTI Act, EECC, GDPR, and C-RTC.
Data Privacy & Compliance
Protecting your data with confidence and meeting global standards.
Telecom Compliance
We operate in full compliance with local telecom regulations and tax requirements.
Network Segmentation
Critical systems are isolated to limit the impact of a breach.
Ready to Simplify Your Setup?
Your colleagues will thank you for it.
Not sure if this is right for your company?
We can help!
Enter your email here, and we’ll send you an easy-to-share one-pager that will help you effortlessly align with stakeholders and keep you updated on the latest developments.
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